01 March, 2011

the hands that rocked my cradle

Literally. My dad did that when I was still a baby. I was his first-born, the apple of Papa and Mama's eyes, so I was nicknamed Apple. My dad is not the type that easily gets angry. In fact, he seldom gets angry with us kids. A trait that my sister Didut has inherited. Very patient people, unlike me and my mom. So when he does gets angry, with just a simple (scary) stare, no questions asked -we obey in a jiffy.
On the 6th of this month, my Papa is turning 68. I would love to give him some cigars but it's not good for his health. I'll just think of another gift. His birthday is still a few days away so there's still plenty of time.

Happy Birthday, Papa!


niko said...

happy happy birthday to your papa!

thank you for dropping by my blog ha.
happy weekend!

niko said...

i hope my comment went through. :)
have a safe weekend!

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