13 July, 2012

toothbrush your face?

I've been using St. Ives products for years. I'm a big fan of Apricot Scrub and I also use St Ives' Micro Dermabrasion. While browsing online, I found out that the face scrub can also be used with this particular "gadget" to remove more dead skin cells on our face.

This gadget is... drum roll please! Tada! An electric toothbrush.

Yes, a toothbrush can be used, not just on our teeth but on our face as well. A regular toothbrush will do actually. The video that I saw online, a Michelle Phan video, advised on using an electric toothbrush. I found a rounded brush while grocery shopping and that's what I use instead of an electric toothbrush.

Here's the Michelle Phan video.

Try it and instantly see the difference on your face.


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