29 November, 2010

leave me in peace

When I go shopping, I browse different stores for hours and hours. Sometimes I end up buying nothing at all. I am not a compulsive shopper. It's no surprise that my younger sisters don't like to tag along when I shop.

A major turn off for me is when salesladies hover and suggest things for me to buy. I will leave that store in a blink of an eye! I want to shop in peace. How can I concentrate on what I am looking for if they're suggesting a new shampoo or perfume that I don't necessarily need? I will definitely forget what my purpose was in going in that store.

yummy yogurt
                                                                yummy yogurt after shopping!
To all sales ladies out there, please just approach a customer if they beckon you to help them. Or if they've been browsing the same item for hours already. Don't bombard your customers with suggestions as soon as they enter the store. Sometimes what you want us to try on doesn't even look good on us, not exactly our type or we don't even need. Please allow us to see for ourselves, we're not blind, what your store has to offer.


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