28 August, 2011

Next on my to-do list: enroll in business school

It was never a difficult decision to become a stay-at-home mom. Taking care of my baby, instead of focusing on my career, became my top priority when I first laid eyes on him. I was planning on going back to work when he's a few months older. But he started having asthma attacks when he turned one, so my career was further put on hold.

When my son was in preschool, I tutored a few students in our house. It was a fun and fulfilling way to spend my ME time. Not to say that I was also well compensated. I began selling airline tickets and tour packages to family, friends and friends of friends at that time also.

My small business ventures took a back seat when my son got accepted in his school's varsity team.  But at the back of my head, I now know what to do. I want to go back to school. Hopefully, I can squeeze in business school, in my hectic mommy schedule, next year.

There are lots of other business ideas on my head aside from those, the two mentioned earlier, that I’ve already tried out. I want to learn what to do with all the awesome ideas. I want to make my ideas into a reality.

mommy goes to business school

My sacrifice to become a stay-at-home mom is the best decision that I’ve done in my whole life. I was able to take care of my son and was also able to find out a better career path for me.


Edsie said...

Good for you mommy. Me, I want to stay at home with my baby too but as of now, we can't afford if I stop working. I'll wait for a year or two and see if we can already afford it. :)

Unknown said...

I had the same decision as soon as I had my first child. I wanted to be a stay at home mom. Now, blogging is my way of de-stressing and I am also wondering if I should go to business school. My husband did.

Kero said...

for me to stay at home was a cheaper option than hiring a baby sitter or house helper.

I am also considering online degree these days so that i'll have a fallback whatever happens

A said...

Had I known that there are online schools then, I would have just enrolled in one instead of dragging my first daughter to school when she was only a baby, she was in college for 2 years too.. :D hehe but at least I finished school.. :D

gengen said...

Good for you my dear. I also plan that way in the future...

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