09 July, 2010

thank God for my checklist

Being a stay-at-home mom is not easy-peasy. That's what people-so-naive-hasn't-even-tried-it always say. "You don't have anything to do, I have loads of things to do in the office, you plan a get-together." Believe me it takes lots of will power to smile and say, "Sure"!

I chanced upon an Oprah episode that talks about keeping a list of "goals for 10 years". Right then and there, I started my list. It did help me become more productive. More productive than those whose life revolves around being a slave-to-their-bosses-24/7.

I have yet to find a more profitable business, being a wholesale distributor perhaps. I have a lot of plans to add to my list. I will now change my list to "goals for 20 years".


Melissa B. said...

If I listed my "goals" over the years, I'm afraid there would be a lot of scratch-outs and do-overs. But I guess that's a good thing. Shows how much we've progressed over the years, correctamundo? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!


Yannie said...

If you have read the Glenna's Goal Book from Chicken Soup for the Soul I bet you'll be inspired to make a goal book for yourself.

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